About Us

Blue magnifying glass in blue circle  Who are We?

The NLSEC consists of 12 independent member districts and 1 cooperative JPA district, the Northern Lights Academy Cooperative (NLA) ISD 6096-52. It covers 5 counties and 6,000 square miles, serving approximately 2,460 students on IEPs. While the NLSEC is a non-government entity, the NLA is a government entity. The 12 districts have an agreement to share costs for services that are too expensive or challenging for individual districts to provide. The NLA is a cooperative, tuition-billed placement district for students with severe special education needs. Terms of these arrangements are detailed in the NLSEC Agreement and By-Laws and the NLA Joint Powers Agreement.

Blue Crayon in Gray Circle NLSEC Vision and Principles

It is our vision that all students are provided opportunities designed to prepare students to participate independently as successful citizens in a diverse world. Together schools and communities will educate students to become academically successful and socially responsible citizens.

Blue arrow pointing right in gray circle Resources

NLSEC Organizational Structure
NLSEC Organizational Structure

NLSEC Data, Structure and Beliefs
NLSEC Data Structure Beliefs

Child Count Data
Child Count Data

Blue Glasses with Grey Circle  NLSEC Staff

NLSEC Office Staff 2024-25
NLSEC Office Staff 2024-25

blue i with gray circle  For More Information

Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative
16 East Hwy 61
Esko, MN 55733
Fax: 218-451-4511