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Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative
Quality Education Through Cooperation and Partnership
16 East Hwy 61, Esko, MN 55733
P.O. Box 40
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About Us
December 1 Child Count
Directions to Meeting Locations
Employment Opportunities
Related Agencies
Duluth School District
Fond du Lac Reservation Ojibwe School
Hibbing School District
MDE - Special Education
Minnesota Department of Health
Minnesota Department of Human Services
Minnesota Low Incidence Projects
Northland Learning Center
School District Members
Staff Directory
Archived Minutes
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Blind/Visually Impaired
Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Early Intervention Services
Lending Libraries
Physical Health Disabilities
Secondary Transition
Work Based Learning
2024-2025 NLSEC Service Assignments (by district)
Secondary Transition
Early Childhood
Case Manager Resources
Administrator Resources
Assistive Technology
MA Billing Information
Northern Lights Interagency Council (NLIC)
NLIC By-Laws
Mentoring Day
NLIC Annual Report 2024
Parent Advisory & Family Support Committee
Recorded Transition Talks
Help Me Grow: Early Intervention Services
Parent Advisory & Family Support Committee
Parent Resource Booklet
Secondary Transition Resource Booklet
Secondary Transition Planning Checklist
Recorded Transition Talks
Member Districts
Barnum ISD #91
Carlton ISD #93
Cloquet ISD #94
Cromwell-Wright ISD #95
Esko ISD #99
Hermantown ISD #700
Northern Lights Academy
NLA Board Agendas and Minutes
NLA District Policies
NLA Statewide Testing Information
NLA Total Special Education System (TSES)
NLA Employment Opportunities
Lake Superior ISD #381
McGregor ISD #4
Moose Lake ISD #97
Proctor ISD #704
Willow River ISD #577
Wrenshall ISD #100
District TSES Manuals and Restrictive Procedure Plans
2024-25 Communications
Archived Communications
2023-24 Communications
2022-23 Communications
2021-22 Communications
2020-21 Communications
2019-20 Communications
2018-19 Communications
2017-18 Communications
About Us
December 1 Child Count
Directions to Meeting Locations
Employment Opportunities
Related Agencies
Duluth School District
Fond du Lac Reservation Ojibwe School
Hibbing School District
MDE - Special Education
Minnesota Department of Health
Minnesota Department of Human Services
Minnesota Low Incidence Projects
Northland Learning Center
School District Members
Staff Directory
Archived Minutes
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Blind/Visually Impaired
Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Early Intervention Services
Lending Libraries
Physical Health Disabilities
Secondary Transition
Work Based Learning
2024-2025 NLSEC Service Assignments (by district)
Secondary Transition
Early Childhood
Case Manager Resources
Administrator Resources
Assistive Technology
MA Billing Information
Northern Lights Interagency Council (NLIC)
NLIC By-Laws
Mentoring Day
NLIC Annual Report 2024
Parent Advisory & Family Support Committee
Recorded Transition Talks
Help Me Grow: Early Intervention Services
Parent Advisory & Family Support Committee
Parent Resource Booklet
Secondary Transition Resource Booklet
Secondary Transition Planning Checklist
Recorded Transition Talks
Member Districts
Barnum ISD #91
Carlton ISD #93
Cloquet ISD #94
Cromwell-Wright ISD #95
Esko ISD #99
Hermantown ISD #700
Northern Lights Academy
NLA Board Agendas and Minutes
NLA District Policies
NLA Statewide Testing Information
NLA Total Special Education System (TSES)
NLA Employment Opportunities
Lake Superior ISD #381
McGregor ISD #4
Moose Lake ISD #97
Proctor ISD #704
Willow River ISD #577
Wrenshall ISD #100
District TSES Manuals and Restrictive Procedure Plans
2024-25 Communications
Archived Communications
2023-24 Communications
2022-23 Communications
2021-22 Communications
2020-21 Communications
2019-20 Communications
2018-19 Communications
2017-18 Communications
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Help Me Grow: Early Intervention Services
Parent Advisory & Family Support Committee
Parent Resource Booklet
Secondary Transition Resource Booklet
Secondary Transition Planning Checklist
Recorded Transition Talks
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Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative
Recorded Transition Talks
Recorded Transition Talks
For the 2020-21 school year, we offered a virtual webinar series for parents of children with disabilities to learn about some amazing topics that will assist them and their child with planning for life beyond high school. We called this "Tuesday Transition Talks at 12!" From February through April, every Tuesday at noon, we recorded live Zoom webinars on various topics for parents. The session description with recording and handouts are linked below!
Special Education 101
February 2, 2021 at Noon
Link to Handout HERE
Overview for parents on the basics of public school district special education child find, evaluation, service and due process obligations. Presented virtually by Dena Hagen, NLSEC Director of Special Education.
Recorded Session here
Introduction to Transition Planning for life after high school
February 9, 2021 at Noon
Link to Handout HERE
One of life’s most significant transitions occurs when a student prepares to leave high school and enter the world as a young adult. As a parent/guardian of a youth with disabilities, this session will help provide a basis of understanding the transition planning process. Presented virtually by Jessica Knutsen, NLSEC Secondary Transition Coordinator.
Recorded Session here
Social Security (SSI/SSDI) and/or DB101
February 16, 2021 at Noon
Link to Handout HERE
Disability Hub MN™ makes it easier for people with disabilities to understand their options, connect to solutions and engage in possibilities. In this webinar we will discuss the basics of Social Security disability benefits. You are almost always better off when you work and our experts will explain the work incentives that can help make that possible. We will also show you tools on DB101 that can help you plan your future and manage your benefits. We’ll make sure to leave some time to answer your questions, too.
Presented virtually by
Lauren Gower and Heather Stillwell
Recorded Session here
What is Guardianship & Supported Decision Making?
February 23, 2021 at Noon
Link to Presentation Slideshow
Link to Identifying Alternatives to
Guardianship Publication
Link to How to Make a Supported Decision-Making Agreement Publication
Commonly, parents of children with developmental disabilities are encouraged to seek guardianship when their child is approaching age 18. But that may be an overly restrictive intervention. Learn how Supported Decision Making, a nationally recognized option, can maximize self-determination while acknowledging concerns related to vulnerability for people with disabilities. This session will discuss approaches to respond to vulnerabilities as well as tips for discussions with families considering guardianship.
Presented virtually by
Anita Raymond, Center for Excellence in Supported Decision Making
Recorded Session here
How To’s of Filing for Guardianship
March 2, 2021 at Noon
Link to Handout HERE
Join an attorney from the Center for Excellence in Supported Decision making to talk about the timeline of petitioning for guardianship and the information needed at each stage of the process. Presented virtually by John Kantke, Attorney at Law - Attorney for Estate and Elder Law Services-Center for Excellence in Supported Decision Making.
Recorded Session here
Preparing my Child for Post Secondary Education Programs
March 9, 2021 at Noon
Link to Handout HERE
Join disability service reps from the College of St. Scholastica, Lake Superior College, and the University of Minnesota Duluth to learn more about how to best prepare your student for post-secondary education. This informal discussion will cover a range of topics including admission requirements & processes, differences between high school & college, and steps students & parents can take right now to prepare for success in college. There will also be plenty of time for Q&A during this session. Presented virtually by
Emily Norenberg (UMD), Stacy Langguth (LSC), Hannah Richards (CSS) and
Nancy Olsen (FDLTCC)
Recorded Session here
Duluth Vocational Options/Supports
March 16, 2021 at Noon
Link to Handout HERE
Join Duluth ISD 709 and state VRS representatives who will share about vocational development opportunities available to students with disabilities within the Duluth district and outside the district. We will also explain how numerous agencies can work together to help students grow and succeed in their employment goals, both during and after high school. Presented virtually by Andy Larson (VRS), Josie Grabowski(VRS), Keely Waechter (ISD 709).
Recorded Session here
Parent Advocacy
March 23, 2021 at Noon
Link to Pre-ETS website
Arc Northland will be presenting, “Pathing The Way For Your Student!”. This session will talk about the importance of being a strong self-advocate for both the parents and students. Tips and ideas will be discussed on how parents can get their voices heard more and about preparing for their student’s future. We will also talk about the importance of Person Centered Planning and creating goals towards their student’s “North Star”/dreams. Resources and next steps will also be shared. Presented virtually by Meredith Kujala, Laurie Berner & Sherie Lillie (Arc Northland).
Recorded Session here
Preparing My Child With an Intellectual Disability for Post Secondary Education
April 6, 2021 at Noon
Link to MICC presentation
Campus Tour with Evan on YouTube
Link to Occupational Skills Program for CLS presentation
Come learn about a few MN postsecondary educational programs designed specifically for individuals with intellectual disabilities; Bethel University’s BUILD Program, Minnesota Independence College & Community, and Central Lakes College. Learn about the skills students acquire while attending these programs, admission process, and options for financial assistance. Presented virtually by Katie Sjeklocha (MICC), Kim Bethke (Bethel) and Patty Sloan (CLC).
Recorded Session here
Attaining & Navigating County Supports
April 13, 2021 at Noon
Link to St. Louis County Rule 185 Case Management-Transition Age Brochure
Link to Presentation slideshow
A panel of case managers from St. Louis County present information on program options, eligibility and how to access services and the positives that can come from partnering with county services. The county works collaboratively with schools, Vocational Rehabilitation services (VRS) and community providers to enhance transition planning for after high school. They are a partner in navigating the maze of support systems persons with disabilities can access. Presented virtually by Amy Potter and Megan McArthur (St. Louis County).
Recorded Session here
NLSEC Vocational Options/Supports
April 20, 2021 at Noon
Link to Presentation slideshow
Link to Informational YouTube Video
(2 min)
Join Northern Lights Special Education Co-op and state VRS staff who will share about vocational development opportunities available to students with disabilities. We will also explain how numerous agencies can work together to help students grow and succeed in their employment goals during and after high school. Presented virtually by Cindy Matheson (VRS), Cassie Campbell (VRS), Dee LeBlanc (NLSEC), Nic Hanson (NLSEC), Josie Grabowski (VRS) and Renae Hampton (VRS).
Recorded Session HERE
Working with Community Providers
April 27, 2021 at Noon
Link to Presentation slideshow
Co-presentation between TLC and Trillium to discuss the interplay between schools, the state, and community providers with an overview of general practices for starting services with licensed providers. Presented virtually by Charles Gornik (TLC of Duluth), and Josh Howie (Trillium Works Inc!).
Recorded Session HERE